
Sample Country Mix

Another Love Song - James Dupre

 Before Mixing

 After Mixing

Sample Folk Rock Mix

Heart of Gold - (Neil Young Cover)

 Before Mixing

 After Mixing

Sample Rock Mix

You Wreck Me - (Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Cover)

 Before Mixing

 After Mixing

Testimonial from a satisfied customer


“Hey Paul - thanks for getting involved in the Home Studio Simplified July Mixing Contest, and congratulations on winning!

In terms of specific feedback:

  1. The drums were awesome!

  2. The acoustic guitar in my opinion was spot on as far as tone and feel go

  3. The recording artist loved your vocal chain and was staggered with what you did to bring the vocal to life in this mix

  4. Great Job!”

    Robert McClellan - Home Studio Simplified

Customer satisfaction with mixing services